Dynamic Proxy in Spring: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Demos

Dynamic Proxy in Spring: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Demos

Dynamic proxy is a powerful concept in Java and Spring that allows for the creation of proxy objects at runtime rather than compile-time. In Spring, dynamic proxies are used extensively for implementing cross-cutting concerns like transaction man...

1. What is a Dynamic Proxy?

A dynamic proxy in Java is an object that implements one or more interfaces and delegates method calls to an underlying object or performs additional operations. Unlike static proxies, which are created at compile-time, dynamic proxies are generated at runtime.

In Spring, dynamic proxies are primarily used in two ways:
         JDK Dynamic Proxies: These proxies are created using the java.lang.reflect.Proxy class and can only proxy interfaces.
         CGLIB Proxies: These proxies are created using the CGLIB library and can proxy classes without requiring an interface.

2. How Spring Uses Dynamic Proxies

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